The recent exposure of Itel Laboratories Inc. has sent shockwaves through the insurance industry. This revelation highlights a significant instance of alleged fraud that has been ongoing for decades, raising questions about corporate ethics and accountability.
The fallout from exposing Itel Laboratories for the fraud they've been responsible for over the last 20 years has been instant. The entire claims industry is buzzing with discussions about this. But what’s even more interesting is the response from the Itel executive team. This isn’t just speculation; a simple Google search reveals the connections between Itel and Global Claim Services.
GCS had a problem. They wanted to hand down reports that would tell homeowners there was a match for materials that never existed. This way, insurance companies wouldn’t have to pay full replacement costs. But who would trust a report from Global Claim Services? Anyone could see the conflict of interest. So, like any good criminal organization, they set up a front: Itel Laboratories. This allowed them to pass down these reports without raising suspicion.
In their marketing materials and on their website, they claimed to be an independent laboratory, a source of truth completely removed from the insurance carriers. Turns out, that was a big fat lie. Nothing screams innocence quite like scrubbing evidence. After the video exposing them came out, Chris Touchon and Brian Matthews quickly removed any mention of GCS from their LinkedIn profiles. Bob Logan, the third guy, seemed a bit out of the loop and needed help to do the same.
While they were at it, they should have checked the Global Claim Services LinkedIn page. If you click on their website, it redirects right to Itel. Not a great look, right? They also own Rent Nar, which adds another layer of disgust to this whole situation.
We’ve established that these companies are linked, and it’s hard to deny that scrubbing evidence is shady at best. This goes beyond just fraudulent misrepresentation. They are actively trying to hide their connections. While these three executives are definitely guilty, there are many more in the Itel-GC family who are equally as culpable. They might be too far gone in their delusions to realize they’re committing insurance fraud.
Now, let’s talk to the Itel employees for a moment. If you work at Itel, you have the power to stop this. You don’t have to participate in the systematic devaluation of your neighbors’ homes. If you continue to see this direct conflict of evidence, you are just as guilty as the executives.
To any corporate partner of Itel who remains loyal, it’s time to reconsider. You need to see the reality of the situation. I’ve witnessed countless homeowners staring at their flooring or siding, saying, "This doesn’t match, and my insurance company is hiding behind a report that says it does." All because GCS and Itel prioritized corporate profits over the well-being of homeowners.
To the Itel legal department, remember: slander is only slander when it’s not true. You guys are doing a great job at covering your tracks, but the truth is out there. If you want to see this through, I’d love to see it in Discovery. If you have your own Itel horror story, I want to hear it. I’ve been reading and responding to all of them, and we’re going to keep up the pressure.
Look at me, Itel. Chris Touchon, Brian Matthews, Bob Logan—these people should be held accountable. They probably won’t be, but that’s a shame. Your doors will one day be shut because we won’t allow you to defraud American policyholders silently anymore.