Our Failure To Hold Marketing Agencies Responsible In Restoration

Matthew Gregory

Sep 14, 2024
Restoration Marketing

You Don’t Want More Water Damage Leads

This article may offend some of those in the restoration industry, but it needs to be said. If we actually wanted leads that were qualified and affordable, we would learn enough about the way they were generated so that we werent taken advantage of.

Every day I talk to restorers who will tell me they are tired of the ways marketing agencies, pay-per-call lead generators and SEO companies have taken money from them over the years.

We allow these companies to thrive in restoration because we will not commit to learn enough about what they do, to spot their bull shit.

If you want to change that, here you go.

Bench Your Restoration Business Coach

Before I start with what to do, I want to touch on what not to do. I can’t say enough bad things about these people. They come in, prey on people during their most vulnerable times, and then implement bait-and-switch tactics to extract every dollar they can. They will do nothing for you in terms of bringing in more work.

You’re telling me you can’t find a few people who are ahead of you in their journey, who wouldn’t be happy to provide you with insight on how they got there? Instead, you pay $500, are given a bit of information, and then are told the real info is in the next course. Stop paying people who have a financial incentive to make sure you never learn enough to no longer need their services.

Website Structure Is Everything

I can’t stress this enough: the way your website is structured is the biggest indicator of how much work your company is bringing in. That sounds like an opinion—it isn’t. Proper headers, mobile responsiveness, internal linking, and most importantly, the addition of schema markups, are what every site I come across screws up. When you fix these issues, Google will reward you with more people finding your site who need your services.

SEO in the restoration industry has been a real mess for a while now. Too many companies out there have done lousy work, and it’s left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. We’ve seen folks throw away hard-earned money on promises that never panned out. But here’s the thing: SEO is still important if you want to stay competitive. The problem is, after getting burned so many times, nobody trusts these so-called experts anymore.

That’s why it’s crucial to find someone who knows what they’re doing and isn’t just out to make a quick buck.

Reviews and More Reviews

An effective website structure is crucial for improving your search engine rankings and driving traffic to your restoration services website. Implementing the following best practices will enhance user experience, increase search engine visibility, and ultimately lead to more conversions. Here’s an extended breakdown of each element:

1. Optimize Page Load Speed

Why It Matters: Slow page load times can increase bounce rates and negatively affect your search engine ranking. Google prioritizes fast-loading websites, making this a critical factor.

How to Implement:

Compress Images: Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce image sizes without compromising quality.

Leverage Browser Caching: Store parts of your website locally on a user’s browser to reduce load times on repeat visits.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): Distribute your website’s content across multiple servers to ensure faster access for global visitors. Services like Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront are effective options.

Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Eliminate unnecessary code (such as spaces and line breaks) to improve load times.

2. Mobile-Friendly Design

Why It Matters: Google has shifted to mobile-first indexing, which means that the mobile version of your site is primarily used to determine your ranking. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you risk losing significant traffic.

How to Implement:

Responsive Design: Use flexible layouts and media queries to ensure your site looks good on any device. Frameworks like Bootstrap can make this easier.

Mobile Navigation: Simplify your menu and navigation for smaller screens. Avoid hover-based interactions that don’t work well on mobile devices.

Test Mobile Performance: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and tools like BrowserStack to ensure your site is fully responsive.

3. Keyword Optimization

Why It Matters: Proper keyword integration signals to search engines what your page is about, helping it rank for relevant queries. Without effective keyword optimization, even high-quality content can go unnoticed.

How to Implement:

Integrate Keywords into Headers: Include primary and secondary keywords in your H1 (main header) and H2 (subheaders) to improve relevance.

Meta Descriptions and Titles: Craft compelling meta titles and descriptions with relevant keywords to encourage clicks from search engine results.

Use Keywords Naturally: Avoid keyword stuffing. Instead, write natural, engaging content that flows smoothly while incorporating relevant terms.

4. Local SEO Implementation

Why It Matters: For restoration services, ranking high in local searches is crucial. Most users search for nearby services, and optimizing for local SEO helps your business appear in location-based searches.

How to Implement:

Location-Specific Pages: Create dedicated pages for each service area or city you operate in. Each page should focus on relevant local keywords.

Google My Business (GMB): Ensure your business is claimed and optimized on GMB, complete with accurate hours, contact info, and a link to your website.

Embed Google Maps: Adding a Google Map on your contact or location pages helps search engines and users locate your business more easily.

5. Structured Data Markup

Why It Matters: Schema markup provides search engines with additional information about your website’s content, which can result in rich snippets (like star ratings or event dates) in search results, improving visibility and click-through rates.

How to Implement:

Use JSON-LD or Microdata: Apply schema markup formats such as JSON-LD to add structured data to your pages. Tools like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper can assist with this.

Focus on Service Types: Use specific schema types relevant to your restoration services, such as LocalBusiness, Service, or Review markup.

Test Your Markup: After implementation, use Google’s Rich Results Test to ensure the structured data is correctly formatted and recognized.

6. Internal Linking Structure

Why It Matters: Internal links not only guide users through your website but also help search engines understand the hierarchy and importance of different pages.

How to Implement:

Anchor Text Optimization: Use descriptive, keyword-rich anchor text for internal links to provide more context to search engines.

Link to Relevant Pages: Ensure important pages, such as service descriptions and blogs, are internally linked from other parts of your website.

Orphan Pages: Regularly audit your site to ensure no pages are “orphaned” (without internal links pointing to them).

7. SEO-Friendly URLs

Why It Matters: Clean, concise URLs that include keywords make it easier for both search engines and users to understand the content of a page at a glance.

How to Implement:

Keep URLs Short and Descriptive: Avoid long strings of numbers or irrelevant characters. Example: /water-damage-restoration/ instead of /service/13245/.

Include Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your URLs, ensuring they are easy to read and comprehend.

Avoid Special Characters: Stick to hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) and avoid spaces and special characters.

8. High-Quality Content Creation

Why It Matters: Consistently updating your site with fresh, informative content signals to Google that your site is active, relevant, and authoritative. High-quality content also helps you rank for long-tail keywords.

How to Implement:

Informative Blogs and Case Studies: Regularly post content that addresses your target audience’s concerns, such as how-to guides or case studies of past restoration jobs.

Service Descriptions: Update service pages with in-depth information about what you offer, how the process works, and the benefits of choosing your company.

Target Long-Tail Keywords: Focus on specific, less competitive phrases that potential customers might search for, like “water damage restoration tips for homeowners.”

9. Secure Website (HTTPS)

Why It Matters: Security is not only important for protecting user data but also a ranking factor for Google. A website with HTTPS (SSL certificate) is viewed as more trustworthy.

How to Implement:

Install SSL Certificate: Purchase an SSL certificate through your hosting provider and ensure all pages on your website load with HTTPS.

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: Use 301 redirects to ensure that any traffic directed to HTTP pages is automatically sent to the HTTPS version.

10. Optimized Images and Alt Text

Why It Matters: Large images can slow down your site, and without alt text, search engines can’t interpret your images. Alt text also helps with accessibility for users with visual impairments.

How to Implement:

Image Compression: Use image optimization tools to reduce file sizes without losing quality. Popular options include ImageOptim and TinyPNG.

Add Alt Text: Include descriptive, keyword-rich alt text for each image. This helps search engines understand what the image represents and boosts SEO.

11. Improve Navigation Structure

Why It Matters: A clear, logical navigation structure improves user experience, making it easy for visitors (and search engines) to find the most important pages.

How to Implement:

Organize Menus Logically: Group related pages and services under intuitive categories. For instance, create separate sections for “Water Damage Restoration” and “Mold Remediation.”

Use Drop-Down Menus Sparingly: While drop-down menus can help with organization, too many nested menus can overwhelm users.

12. Create a Blog Section

Why It Matters: Blogs offer a great way to regularly add fresh content, target new keywords, and establish authority in your industry.

How to Implement:

Focus on Industry-Related Topics: Write blog posts that address common questions in the restoration industry, like “How to Identify Water Damage in Your Home.”

Target Long-Tail Keywords: Write in-depth posts around specific search queries to attract niche audiences.

13. Incorporate Customer Reviews

Why It Matters: Positive customer reviews not only build credibility but also impact your local SEO ranking. Google often favors businesses with numerous high-quality reviews.

How to Implement:

Showcase Reviews: Feature reviews on your homepage or service pages. Include snippets and star ratings from Google Reviews or third-party platforms.

Encourage Reviews: Request reviews from satisfied customers and respond to feedback, whether positive or negative.

14. Improve Metadata

Why It Matters: Meta titles and descriptions are the first things people see in search results. Well-optimized metadata can increase click-through rates.

How to Implement:

Use Relevant Keywords: Make sure to include target keywords in the meta title and description.

Write Persuasive Meta Descriptions: Craft concise, compelling descriptions that encourage users to click through to your site.

15. Build Backlinks

Why It Matters: Backlinks from authoritative websites improve your site’s credibility and domain authority, which helps boost your rankings.

How to Implement:

Reach Out Locally: Collaborate with local businesses, suppliers, or industry blogs to earn backlinks.

Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for industry-relevant websites that link back to your site.

By following these website structure best practices, you’ll create a well-optimized, user-friendly site that not only ranks higher in search engines but also drives more conversions for your restoration business.

Reviews: The Power of Customer Testimonials for Restoration Companies

Customer reviews are crucial for restoration companies because they demonstrate to potential clients that you’re reliable and capable of delivering excellent results. Positive reviews are more than just praise; they’re a powerful tool for building trust and increasing your visibility in local search results. Here’s why reviews matter and how you can make the most of them:

Why Reviews Matter:

1. Build Trust and Credibility:

Restoration work often occurs during stressful situations for homeowners, such as after floods, fires, or other damage. In these high-stakes scenarios, people want to hire companies they can trust. A wealth of positive reviews can reassure potential clients that your company has a proven track record of getting the job done right.

2. Boost Local SEO:

Google loves engagement, and customer reviews are a form of direct interaction that signals to search engines that your business is active, relevant, and trustworthy. When people leave positive reviews, especially on platforms like Google My Business, it helps boost your visibility in local search results, pushing you toward the top. This is essential for attracting new clients searching for restoration services nearby.

3. Online Word-of-Mouth:

Reviews act like digital word-of-mouth referrals. Just as people trust the recommendations of friends and family, they also trust the opinions of other customers who have been in similar situations. When someone is in a pinch and needs help fast, a quick scan of glowing reviews can make all the difference in choosing you over a competitor.

4. Set Yourself Apart from Competitors:

The restoration industry is competitive, and good reviews can give you the edge. A collection of positive testimonials shows that you consistently provide excellent service, making you stand out from companies that might not have as many satisfied customers.

How to Get Reviews:

1. Ask at the Right Time:

Timing is everything when it comes to requesting reviews. The best time to ask for a review is immediately after completing a job when the customer is still feeling the satisfaction of a job well done. Strike while the iron is hot, as customers are more likely to leave a review while their positive experience is fresh in their minds.

2. Make It Simple and Direct:

Don’t make the review process complicated. Provide clear instructions on where and how to leave a review. The easier it is for customers to leave feedback, the more likely they are to do it. Sending them a direct link to your Google My Business or Yelp page can remove any guesswork, making the process fast and simple.

3. Follow Up with a Friendly Reminder:

Sometimes people forget, even when they have the best intentions. A polite follow-up email or text can serve as a reminder to leave a review. Be courteous and gentle in your approach, ensuring it doesn’t feel pushy. A friendly nudge often helps, especially if you emphasize how much their feedback helps other homeowners in need of your services.

4. Offer Multiple Platforms:

While Google reviews are incredibly important for local SEO, some customers may prefer other platforms like Yelp, Facebook, or industry-specific review sites like Angie’s List. Offer them multiple options so they can leave a review where they feel most comfortable.

5. Respond to Reviews:

Show your customers that you value their feedback by responding to reviews, both positive and negative. Thank happy customers for their kind words, and if a review is less than stellar, address any concerns professionally. This shows potential clients that you care about customer satisfaction and are proactive in resolving any issues.

Negative Reviews: Turning a Challenge into an Opportunity

No company can avoid negative reviews entirely, but how you respond can make a big difference. A well-handled response to a negative review can actually boost your credibility, showing that you’re committed to making things right when things don’t go as planned. Apologize if necessary, offer solutions, and show potential clients that you’re dedicated to resolving problems.

Red Flag Statements from Restoration SEO and Marketing Agencies

In the restoration industry, SEO and marketing are critical to attracting new clients. However, there are many marketing agencies that make lofty promises but fail to deliver. If you hear any version of the following statements, it’s likely a red flag that the agency is more interested in selling you a white-labeled, low-impact service than providing real value.

Red Flags to Watch Out For:

1. “We guarantee #1 ranking on Google within weeks.”

No legitimate SEO agency can guarantee a top-ranking position on Google in a short time frame. SEO is a long-term investment that requires continuous effort, and rankings fluctuate based on numerous factors like competition, Google algorithm updates, and search intent. Be wary of any agency that promises immediate results.

2. “Our secret sauce will drive massive traffic to your site.”

If an agency relies on vague language like “secret sauce” or promises an extraordinary influx of traffic without explaining their methods, they are likely hiding behind flashy marketing lingo. Always ask for a clear, detailed strategy and examples of previous successes.

3. “Just pay for this service, and you’ll never have to worry about marketing again.”

Marketing is an ongoing process that requires constant updates and adjustments. Agencies promising a “set it and forget it” approach are often just selling cookie-cutter solutions that won’t provide long-term value. Sustainable marketing requires continuous optimization.

4. “You don’t need a blog or ongoing content.”

Content marketing, especially in the restoration industry, is key to building authority and ranking well on Google. If an agency tells you that blogging or ongoing content creation isn’t necessary, they are likely just selling short-term tactics without any regard for your long-term online presence.

5. “We can get you thousands of backlinks instantly.”

Backlinks are important for SEO, but they need to be from reputable, relevant sites. Be cautious of agencies that promise hundreds or thousands of backlinks quickly, as they may be using shady practices that can get your site penalized by Google. High-quality backlinks take time to build.

Understanding Their Real Tactics:

Many of these agencies are simply reselling a white-labeled version of GoHighLevel or similar software, which primarily focuses on automating surface-level tasks like lead tracking and email marketing. While these tools have their place, they aren’t a comprehensive solution for SEO, content marketing, or generating leads that convert into long-term business. The key is to find an agency that prioritizes a holistic strategy tailored to the specific needs of your restoration company, rather than relying on pre-packaged services with inflated price tags.

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