Drive More TPA Water Damage Jobs with Xactanalysis

Justin Fetzer

Jul 29, 2024
Restoration Industry News

The Key to Increasing TPA Jobs in the Restoration Industry

The restoration industry often debates the pros and cons of Third-Party Administrators (TPAs). While opinions differ, the focus should be on how restoration professionals can secure more jobs through these programs. This article outlines a straightforward yet effective method to boost the number of TPA jobs you can land, ultimately leading to greater profitability.

Understanding the Importance of SLAs in TPA Work

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are crucial in the TPA world. They set the standards for how service providers are judged, mainly based on how quickly and efficiently jobs are completed. One of the most important metrics TPAs track is the time it takes to complete estimates from the moment they are assigned. Improving your performance on these metrics is the key to securing more job opportunities.

Key Metrics to Track

To maximize your TPA job opportunities, closely monitor these two important metrics:

Date Received: This is the date when a job is assigned to you.

Estimate Submit Date: This is the date when you submit your completed estimate.

By focusing on these two metrics, you can gain insights into your workflow and identify any delays or bottlenecks.

Using Exact Analysis for Performance Tracking

Exact Analysis is a powerful tool that helps you track and analyze your TPA jobs. You can export detailed information about each job, including document counts and more. However, for our purposes, we will focus on the two essential columns mentioned earlier.

Setting Up Your Analysis:

Start by using the formula =NOW() in Excel, which gives you the current date and time. This is useful for calculating how long it has been since you received a job. By subtracting the “Date Received” from the current date, you can quickly see how long each job has been open.

For example, you can set up a new column in your spreadsheet where you input the formula:

=Current Date - Date Received

This will automatically calculate the duration of each job, providing you with a clear picture of your performance across jobs.

Prioritizing Jobs for Maximum Efficiency

Once you have established your tracking system, the next step is to prioritize jobs based on their age. If a job is nearing or has exceeded the 5-day mark, it’s crucial to focus on completing it quickly. Prioritizing your work in this way helps you meet SLA requirements and increases your overall job count.

Benefits of Prioritization:

Increased Job Volume: By focusing on jobs that are close to their deadlines, you can secure more work.

Improved Reputation: Consistently meeting SLAs enhances your standing with TPAs.

Better Time Management: Prioritizing tasks helps streamline your workflow.

By implementing a prioritization system, you can significantly boost your productivity and job opportunities.

Visualizing Your Performance

To further improve your understanding of your job performance, consider using conditional formatting in Excel. This feature allows you to visualize your data, making it easier to spot trends and identify areas for improvement.

Implementing Conditional Formatting:

With conditional formatting, you can set up rules that highlight specific cells based on their values. For example, you could color-code jobs that are nearing the 5-day mark, making it visually clear which jobs need immediate attention. This simple visual aid can drastically improve your workflow efficiency.

Continuous Improvement

To stay competitive in the restoration industry, it’s essential to commit to continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing your performance metrics helps you identify areas where you can enhance efficiency. This proactive approach can lead to an increase in job opportunities over time.

Strategies for Ongoing Improvement:

Regular Reviews: Set aside time each week to review your performance metrics.

Feedback Loop: Seek feedback from peers and TPAs to identify areas for improvement.

Training and Development: Invest in training programs that focus on improving speed and efficiency.

By committing to continuous improvement, you can ensure that you remain a valuable partner for TPAs, leading to more job opportunities.

Feel free to contact us for any help with your TPA work or just set a time to meet!

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