The Absurdity of Restoration Business Coaches

Matthew Gregory

May 30, 2024
Restoration Industry News

If hiring a restoration business coach were the secret to success, then by now, we would all be millionaires with perfect work-life balance, meditating on our private islands. The problem is, while they're busy teaching you how to 'maximize your potential,’ you will quickly learn that it is your wallet's potential getting minimized instead.

It's like paying someone to tell you to believe in yourself. I could've gotten the same advice from a fortune cookie, at least with that I'd get a snack too.

Describing his view on consultants, Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank sums it up with,

“They live their lives in mediocrity.”

and in my opinion, he is right.

The problem with these coaches and consultants is that they haven’t made a decision that held consequences in years, maybe ever. They use generic phrases that don’t mean anything, and they offer no real value, they just exist to take your money.

They'll tell you to make dumb choices like going after plumbers as referrals or not have a website, decisions that may have been somewhat acceptable in 2010 when they left the industry, but in today's world can have dire consequences on your business.

Actually, that would've always been bad advice.

They tell you to do these things because they are financially incentivized to make sure that you don't do well enough to not need their services anymore.

There will always be a new class, a new course and a new book for them to sell to you If you learn too much you won't need to buy it.

I am relatively new to owning my own business, having only been doing it for a few years. However, my experience has taught me the importance of networking within the restoration industry. I have met many great people who are always willing to help me with major decisions or answer any questions I may have. In return, I try to help those who are just starting in their journey.

I believe in being a source of help to anyone who needs it and I have never thought of monetizing that help. Who am I to turn around and sell knowledge that was provided to me for free?

I have been more financially successful in the times in which I’m just trying to provide people with legitimate assistance on things that they are having trouble with then I’ve ever been trying to sell a service or product.

Ever noticed how these consultants always promise the moon? They’ll tell you that they can double your revenue, streamline your operations, and turn your small business into a powerhouse. But when it comes down to it, they rarely deliver. Sure, they’ll give you a few tips and tricks, but nothing you couldn’t figure out on your own with a bit of research and hard work. And let’s be honest, the only thing that gets doubled is their bank account after they cash your check.

Many business coaches live in a bubble. They read books, attend seminars, and regurgitate the same old theories. They’re out of touch with the real world where we operate. In restoration, we face tough competition, stringent regulations, and tight budgets. We need practical, actionable advice, not abstract concepts and motivational speeches. We need someone who understands the nitty-gritty details of running a restoration business, not someone who’s all talk and no action.

You’re Better Off Investing in Your Team

Instead of wasting money on a consultant, invest in your team. Your employees are the backbone of your business. Train them, support them, and give them the tools they need to succeed. Attend industry conferences, join professional associations, and network with other restoration professionals. You’ll get more value from connecting with your peers and learning from their experiences than you ever will from a consultant.

Learn from Experience, Not Expensive Consultants

The best way to learn is by doing. Get your hands dirty, make mistakes, and figure out what works for your business. There’s no substitute for experience. Sure, it might be a rough road, but it’s the only way to truly understand the ins and outs of our industry. Trust your instincts, rely on your team, and don’t be afraid to take risks. That’s how you’ll grow your business, not by paying a consultant thousands of dollars for generic advice.

If you’re a restoration business owner and you need some advice or just want to talk about the industry feel free to shoot me an email.

A rising tide lifts all ships.

If you are a business coach or consultant feel free to withhold any correspondence seeing as I don’t wish to be charged for listening to your valuable words.

Lastly, if you are thinking about hiring one of these guys to talk to you, remember how that old saying goes,

"Those that can't do, teach."

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